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Old August 1st, 2017, 06:09 AM
Johnb - co.uk
Posts: n/a
Default [Dixonary] Rnd 2822 VEDUTA IDEATA Results

Back in the day (18C) when we Brits used to do "the grand tour" of
Europe (Terry Pratchett describes it as "the grand sneer") people bought
paintings of where they had been just to show off back here at home.
Often a Canaletto, Gardi or Piranesi. It is almost the idea of the
picture postcard -"we have been here; aren't you jealous?" - such a
picture of a town scene, painted very realistically, is a VEDUTA (vedute
is the proper plural but we usually used vedutas) The word means 'a
scene' and comes from Italian vedere - to view.

VEDUTA IDEATA were pretty much the same thing except that the scene -
while painted very realistically - was of an imaginary town scene. (I
wonder if it wasn't part of the same one-upmanship/overtake the Jones
idea - "you cannot guess where we have been") The painter most known for
these is Pannini

Meanwhile, the results of this round:

Dan Widdis, Tony Abell, Efrem Mallach each scored scored 4 points. Dan
guessed the correct definition but the other two are "natural" - Efrem
is ahead in the rolling scores and is our next dealer The real winner is
thus Tony

Over to you Efrem

1. déjá vu...
Voted for by SheflerM, AbellT, BourneT [From Tim Lodge who voted for 9
and 11] and scores [3 + 0] = 3

2. a charmed life...
Voted for by MadnickJ, StevensG, NaylorS, BourneT [From Tony Abell who
voted for 1 and 10] and scores [4 + 0] = 4

3. writer's block...
Voted for by nobody [From Keith Hale who voted for 4 and 10] and scores
[0 + 0] = 0

4. a hunch; an inspiration...
Voted for by HaleK [From Mike Shefler who voted for 1 and 12] and scores
[1 + 0] = 1

5. a widely accepted heretical belief...
Voted for by MallachE, WiddisD [From Guerri Stevens who voted for 2 and
10] and scores [2 + 0] = 2

6. a view of different parts of the world...
Voted for by nobody [From Judy Madnick who voted for 2 and 9] and scores
[0 + 0] = 0

7. a dull person who dominates dinner-table conversation...
Voted for by nobody [From Shani Naylor who voted for 2 and 10] and
scores [0 + 0] = 0

8. a realistic painting of a town scene but the town is imaginary...
Voted for by WiddisD [From OED Online 2017] - scores me a D1

9. a record or diagram showing the relationships of the manuscripts of
a literary work...
Voted for by MadnickJ, LodgeT [From Chris Carson who did not vote ] and
scores [2 + 0] = 2

10. in philosophy, a proposition that is considered morally or ethically
superior to its alternatives...
Voted for by StevensG, HaleK, AbellT, NaylorS [From Efrem Mallach who
voted for 5 and 11] and scores [4 + 0] = 4

11. an illustration that represents a complex concept in such a way a
viewer can comprehend it, such as a drawing of a Klein Bottle...
Voted for by MallachE, LodgeT [From Dan Widdis who voted for 5 and 8*]
and scores [2 + 2] = 4*

12. [Maritime Law] a precept that any bill of lading implicitly
contains a guarantee by the shipper that the material is not contraband
in any place which the means of transportation may enter, and that
violation thereof places the shipper at risk not only for such cargo,
but for any delays in use of the means of transportation, and for the
full cost of replacement of such means of transportation
Voted for by SheflerM [From Dave Cunningham who did not vote ] and
scores [1 + 0] = 1

##. -- No Def Submitted --...
[From Tim Bourne who voted for 1 and 2] and scores [0 + 0] = 0

Tim Lodge 3
Tony Abell 4
Keith Hale 0
Mike Shefler 1
Guerri Stevens 2
Judy Madnick 0
Shani Naylor 0
OED Online 2017 D1
Chris Carson 2
Efrem Mallach 4
Dan Widdis 4*
Dave Cunningham 1
Tim Bourne 0


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