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Old May 9th, 2018, 04:00 PM
Dave Cunningham
Posts: n/a
Default [Dixonary] THEAVE Results!

Only 3 correct guesses is not that bad - I had never seen the word before.

1. a screw [Abell] 3 7 (Lodge) (Shefler) (Shepherdson) 3
2. a young ewe [Chambers] D3 (Shefler) (Mallach) (Barrs) -
3. to awaken, rouse [Naylor] 10 13 (Hale) (Abell) 2
4. a small boat hook [Widdis] 10 11 (Mallach) 1
5. to pull; to tug against [Hale] 3 7 (Lodge) (McGill) (Carson) 3
6. to rob, plunder, or pillage [Carson] 5 10 (McGill) 1
7. a professional clavichord tuner [Stevens] 10 12 (Hale) (Abell) 2
8. nesting material for small animals [Shefler] 1 *2 (Madnick) (Barrs)
2+ 2 = 4
9. to isolate for therapeutic purposes [McGill] 5 6 nil
10. livestock feed made from brewer's waste (spent grain) [Mallach] *2
4 (Widdis) (Naylor) (Stevens) (Madnick) (Carson) (Shepherdson) 2 + 6 =
11. to mock; to jeer; to make faces in contempt [Madnick] 8 10 (Widdis)
12. to test for functionality, as a battery or an electrical circuit
[Shepherdson] 1 10 (Stevens) 1
13. [Law] (formerly) a method of trial whereby a defendant could be
acquitted if a sufficient number of persons swore to his innocence [Lodge]
1 5 (Naylor) 1
Barrs *2 8 2 + 0 = 2

Every submitter has voted, and Efrem is the new dealer as his 8 points
well outdistance Mike Shefler's 4.


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Old May 9th, 2018, 04:36 PM
Efrem G Mallach
Posts: n/a
Default Re: [Dixonary] THEAVE Results!

Thanks, Dave - I think. Can't say I didn't see it coming - but end-of-semester meetings, final exams to grade, and course grades to submit got in the way of preparing a new word. Soon.


> On May 9, 2018, at 5:00 PM, Dave Cunningham <cunn5393 (AT) bellsouth (DOT) net> wrote:
> Only 3 correct guesses is not that bad - I had never seen the word before.
> 1. a screw [Abell] 3 7 (Lodge) (Shefler) (Shepherdson) 3
> 2. a young ewe [Chambers] D3 (Shefler) (Mallach) (Barrs) -
> 3. to awaken, rouse [Naylor] 10 13 (Hale) (Abell) 2
> 4. a small boat hook [Widdis] 10 11 (Mallach) 1
> 5. to pull; to tug against [Hale] 3 7 (Lodge) (McGill) (Carson) 3
> 6. to rob, plunder, or pillage [Carson] 5 10 (McGill) 1
> 7. a professional clavichord tuner [Stevens] 10 12 (Hale) (Abell) 2
> 8. nesting material for small animals [Shefler] 1 *2 (Madnick) (Barrs) 2+ 2 = 4
> 9. to isolate for therapeutic purposes [McGill] 5 6 nil
> 10. livestock feed made from brewer's waste (spent grain) [Mallach] *2 4 (Widdis) (Naylor) (Stevens) (Madnick) (Carson) (Shepherdson) 2 + 6 = 8!!!
> 11. to mock; to jeer; to make faces in contempt [Madnick] 8 10 (Widdis) 1
> 12. to test for functionality, as a battery or an electrical circuit [Shepherdson] 1 10 (Stevens) 1
> 13. [Law] (formerly) a method of trial whereby a defendant could be acquitted if a sufficient number of persons swore to his innocence [Lodge] 1 5 (Naylor) 1
> Barrs *2 8 2 + 0 = 2
> Every submitter has voted, and Efrem is the new dealer as his 8 points well outdistance Mike Shefler's 4.
> Dave
> --
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