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Old July 21st, 2017, 10:32 AM
Tim B
Posts: n/a
Default [Dixonary] Round 2819: TETHERA results

This was a quiet round, and went better than I dared to hope, with a D1.

The next deal goes to Mike Shefler with 5 natural points, and Tony Abell is the real winner with 3
unnatural points, being the only one to vote for the Celtic three. John Barrs tells me that Terry
Pratchett quoted a sequence of such numbers in one of his books, and Tim Lodge had also come across
them. My own knowledge of the word comes from the Cumbrian dialect used in the English Lake
District, where the old way of counting sheep still survives.

Oh, and apparently Vrythonic refers to the family of southern Celtic languages: Welsh, Cornish, Breton.

1: a red olive from Greece.
Voted for by: Efrem Mallach, Shani Naylor
FROM John Barrs who DQ'ed, and scores 2 + 0 = 2

2: the number three in Brythonic numerals.
Voted for by: Tony Abell
FROM yourdictionary.com which can't vote, and scores D1

3: gravel formed from the weathering of ancient lava flows.
Voted for by: Mike Shefler
FROM Tony Abell who voted *2* and 9, and scores 1 + 2 = 3*

4: an ancient Greek spirit, personification of necessity and fate.
Voted for by: Guerri Stevens, Judy Madnick
FROM Efrem Mallach who voted 1 and 7, and scores 2 + 0 = 2

5: (Sc.) unusually shaped stones said to confer good luck on those who find them.
Voted for by: Mike Shefler
FROM Shani Naylor who voted 1 and 7, and scores 1 + 0 = 1

6: one who will persist in reaching a goal, no matter what obstacles there are in the way.
Voted for by: Keith Hale
FROM Guerri Stevens who voted 4 and 8, and scores 1 + 0 = 1

7: [Anc. Gk.] a large ceramic vessel used to hold oil or wine, of about 10 gallon capacity.
Voted for by: Keith Hale, Efrem Mallach, Shani Naylor, Judy Madnick, Lorise Graham
FROM Mike Shefler who voted 3 and 5, and scores 5 + 0 = 5

8: high tech filaments included in modern bank note designs. Under a microscope they can reveal a
great deal about the individual bill.
Voted for by: Guerri Stevens
FROM Keith Hale who voted 6 and 7, and scores 1 + 0 = 1

9: in ancient Athens, the building in which the fifty members of the _prytaneis_, a sub-committee
of the _Boule_ council, were housed and fed during their thirty-six day period of duty.
Voted for by: Tony Abell, Lorise Graham
FROM Tim Lodge who DQ'ed, and scores 2 + 0 = 2

No def
FROM Judy Madnick who voted 4 and 7, and scores 0 + 0 = 0

No def
FROM Lorise Graham who voted 7 and 9, and scores 0 + 0 = 0

Best wishes,
Tim Bourne.

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