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Old April 14th, 2017, 07:04 PM
Dave Cunningham
Posts: n/a
Default [Dixonary] HOBSON-JOBSON results

When I ran across this word, I thought it would work well.

1. a procrastinator [Abell] NV (Kornelis) (Naylor) 2 points
2. festal excitement [Chambers] (Barrs) D1
3. lack of choice; pot luck. [Lodge] 5 8 (Madnick) (Hale) 2
4. presented without evidence [Hale] 3 6 nil
5. the use of literal expressions [Madnick] 3 8 (Barrs) (Lodge) 2
6. _archaic_ discomposed or rumpled. [Carson] 8 12 (Hale) (Widdis) 2
7. one who entertains foolinsh speculations [Mallach] 8 9 (Shefler)
(Naylor) 2
8. a melange or mixture of various foods hastily put together; a
potpourri. [Shefler] 7 8 (Madnick) (Bourne) (Stevens) (Lodge)
((Shefler)) (Carson) (Mallach) 6!
9. a false assertion by one person that he or she is someone else,
usually in order to claim an inheritance. [Stevens] 8 12 (Mallach) 1
10. 1. a take it or leave it job offer. (see Hobson's choice) 2. a town
cryer or any job using the voice. (deriv. rhyming-slang from Hobson's
choice (1) meaning voice. [Barrs] *2 5 2 + 0 = 2
11. a programming language ued to specify the manner, timing, and other
requirements of execution of a task or set of tasks submitted for
execution, especially in background, on a multitasking computer. [Widdis]
6 12 (Kornelis) 1
12. a man's tall. collapsible top hat, held open or in shape by springs
and usually covered with a black, silky fabric [named for hat sellers Oscar
Hobson and Henry Jobson, who popularised the style in the 1870s] [Naylor]
1 7 (Widdis) (Bourne) (Stevens) (Carson) 4
Kornelis 1 11
Bourne 8 12
The book originally responsible for this weird definition is now often
called "Hobson-Jobson" by itself!
Mike is the new dealer, Shani is the winner with 4 points, and the Dealer
counts the score for the dictionary as "B1"

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