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Old April 26th, 2019, 05:10 AM
Shani Naylor
Posts: n/a
Default [Dixonary] Round 2978 results!

Hi all

Johnny B is our new dealer, with 4 unnatural points, followed closely by
Dave C, also with 4 unnatural points but who is lower in the rolling
scores. Next highest scores were Guerri S & Chris C with 3 natural points.

1. A cog railway.
Guerri S. Score: 3
Votes from Mike S, Dan W & Debbie E.

2. [Sl.] A spittoon.
Dave C, who voted 4 & *6. Score: 4
Votes from Mike S & Johnny B. 3. A vulgar woman.
Ryan M, who voted *6 & 12. Score: 2
No votes. 4. Folk name for sweet woodruff.
Efrem M, who voted 7 & 9. Score: 2
Votes from Tim B & Dave C. 5. An unexpected bump or dip in the road.
Mike S, who voted for 1 & 2. Score: 1
Vote from Debbie E. 6. A game played by ladies, resembling bagatelle.
Votes from Johnny B, Ryan M & Dave C. 7. A leafless, epiphytic
tropical African succulent, often grown as a houseplant.
Chris C. Score: 3
Votes from Judy M, Tim B & Efrem M 8. The leader of a group of people
aiming to disrupt an online group, e.g. on Facebook.
Tim B, who voted 4 & 7. Score: 0
No votes. 9. A large, deciduous tree that matures to 100' tall and is
considered to be a living fossil.
Judy M, who voted 7 & 10. Score: 1
Vote from Efrem M. 10. A predatory insect with bright floral colors and
petal-shaped legs that lure other insects; also known as the orchid mantis.
Debbie E, who voted 1 & 5. Score: 1
Vote from Judy M. 11. A woman who associates with or marries a rich man
in order to get valuables from him through gifts or a divorce settlement; a
gold digger.
Dan W, who voted 1 & 12. Score: 0
No votes. 12. A piece in an early chess-like board game. The object of
the game is to corner the opponent's troll-madam by surrounding her with
your own pieces while she tries to escape from the hole you create [Fr trou
= hole]
Johnny B, who voted 2 & *6. Score: 4
Votes from Dan W & Ryan M.

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