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Old May 7th, 2018, 05:35 PM
Dave Cunningham
Posts: n/a
Default [Dixonary] THEAVE Defs!

Of which kindly vote for two, without recourse to any dictionary before 5
p.m. EDT on Wednesday the 9th of May.

1. a screw
2. a young ewe
3. to awaken, rouse
4. a small boat hook
5. to pull; to tug against
6. to rob, plunder, or pillage
7. a professional clavichord tuner
8. nesting material for small animals
9. to isolate for therapeutic purposes
10. livestock feed made from brewer's waste (spent grain)
11. to mock; to jeer; to make faces in contempt
12. to test for functionality, as a battery or an electrical circuit
13. [Law] (formerly) a method of trial whereby a defendant could be
acquitted if a sufficient number of persons swore to his innocence


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