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Old January 31st, 2019, 10:38 AM
Mike Shefler
Posts: n/a
Default [Dixonary] Round 2958 vote for nurgle

Here are 12 definitions for NURGLE, one of which came from a reputable
Vote for your two favorites no later than 10 AM EST, Saturday, February 2.

1. a shape-shifter.

2. to fool around; to waste time.

3. to catch a fish by hand, with no rod, line or net.

4. to pester or nag.

5. a miser.

6. [Cartooning] a cloud of dust that hangs in the wake of a swiftly
departing character or object.

7. [slang] an irritant, pestilence, or minor demon.

8. to emit a harsh or discordant sound.

9. [MIT sl.] a fudge factor set out explicitly in presenting laboratory
results. (see _hacker slang_)

10. competitive welly throwing.

11. a boil or carbuncle.

12. Obs. Sc. Also in form nurg. A short, squat, little, savage man.

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