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Old November 16th, 2020, 11:06 AM
Paul Keating
Posts: n/a
Default [Dixonary] Roun 3120: BATSOME [Definitions]

Roun 3120: BATSOME [Definitions] Here are 12 definitions of batsome, some of which come from a dictionary, and one even from a dictionary article about the word batsome. Please can I have your votes for two of them, in reply to this message, by the deadline, which is 17h30 Central European Time on Wednesday 18 November, or just under 48 hours from time of posting; other times for other places here.

1 In the textile industry, a batsome is a coiled or wrapped unit of yarn or twine, as opposed to other materials like thread or rope, as well as other forms such as ball, cone, bobbin spool, etc.

2 Obs. hittable (of a baseball or softball pitch).

3 Having a pinched or drawn appearance.

4 Disgusting; loathsome.

5 Mischievous; naughty.

6 Overweight; obese.

7 Unappealing; ugly.

8 Mingled; confused.

9 An African palm tree.

10 Anglo-Indian. Useful.

11 A mixed-grain porridge eaten in East Africa.

12 (also: battable) Of pasture-land: Good for the sustenance of flocks and herds; feeding, fattening; fertile in pasture. --
Paul Keating
Soustons, Nouvelle Aquitaine, France

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