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Old July 3rd, 2018, 07:00 AM
Efrem G Mallach
Posts: n/a
Default [Dixonary] Round 2905 Voting Time: RATHE


Thirteen possible definitions of RATHE follow. Believe it or not, one is actually correct. The others are the products of your collective minds. They have been edited for format consistency and are in order by character count, which might not correspond to visual length in your email display font. Please vote for two that you like for any reason (such as, but not necessarily, thinking that they might be correct) by public Reply to this message before the deadline that follows the list.

1. haste; impatience.

2. unhandsome, plain.

3. a sort of green pig.

4. [Scots.] an area of rough grazing.

5. another name for the water strider.

6. [Germ.] an irrational fear or hatred.

7. blooming or ripening early in the season.

8. the narrow ribs of a canvas wagon cover (see "rafter").

9. a plaster and ground-stone mixture for repairing masonry.

10. a tough supple twig, especially of willow, used for binding things together.

11. a Viking Midsummer festival, at which songs were sung and hallucinatory herbs and fungi taken.

12. a style of building construction also known as “half-timbered;” the planks used in such construction.

13. an ancient unit of measure denoting the amount of land tillable by two oxen in a plowing season; two oxgates.

The deadline for voting is about 60 hours from now, extended to accommodate both the U.S. Independence Day holiday tomorrow and my travel to a friend's new home in rural Maine where they may not yet have an Internet connection. It is 8 pm on Thursday, July 5, in US EDT. According to <>, that is:

and other times in other places. Please check any conversion that applies to you. That site is good, but nobody's perfect.

New players are welcome to vote, even if you didn't submit a definition for this word - as are, of course, veteran players who happened not to. Full rules at <> .

Vote away!


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