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Old October 7th, 2018, 06:10 AM
—Keith Hale—
Posts: n/a
Default [Dixonary] Round 2928 STATUS update - [ ASTROBLEME ]

OK, gang, after my terribly late word announcement, no reported DQs, and
with only 2 hours to deadline, i have just 10 defs for ASTRobleme (caps
still irrelevant). So if you name isn't pasted below, send me a bluff def
before 8AM Texas time. 1hour, 50 minutes from the time of this message!

thoughtstorms (AT) gmail (DOT) com

- Debbie Embler
- Efrem Malach
- Dave Cunningham
- Mike Shefler
- Daniel Widdis
- Guerri Stevens
- Judy Madnick
- Shani Naylor
- Chris Carson

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