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Old April 8th, 2019, 05:56 PM
Judy Madnick
Posts: n/a
Default [Dixonary] ROUND 2974 - QUATCH - VOTE NOW!

Here are 14 definitions for the word QUATCH...but only one is correct. Please send your votes (by responding to this email) for what you believe are two definitions most likely to have come from a dictionary. The deadline for voting is Wednesday, April 10, at 9 a.m. EDT. As usual, I will let you determine the time in your time zone. :-)

Any misspellings, weird spacing, etc., are my fault and not an indication of the accuracy of a particular definition.

Good luck!

1. A longitudinal cut from the trunk of a tree.
2. A knot of hair, as at the back of a wig.
3. [Yiddish] an unsuitable partner of any sort, but especially in business.
4. State of being overpowered by fatigue.
5. A ceremonial fur robe worn by tribal leaders in NW U.S. and SW Canada.
6. Any of a series of lines on the surface of a crystal.
7. The rich greasy voice of a fat person [made up by Frank Herbert in "Dune"].
8. [Colloq. Derog.] a dwarf.
9. A schemer or con artist.
10. A word; a sound.
11. To loom or lurk
12. A hook for preventing vibration in the section of a piano string between the pin and the bridge.
13. The sloping half-roof at the side of a Real Tennis court.
14. A loner; a solitary person.

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