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Christopher Carson May 18th, 2020 12:29 PM

[Dixonary] Round 3074 Progress
So far, 9 definitions have been received, from the following players with only one possible DQ. The list below includes submitters on the first word as their def will be used for WIFTY in the event an update isn't received by deadline. As you can see, the list has lots of room for additional defs so if you were holding off to see what happens, it's on.

Barrs, Bourne, Cunningham, Efrem, Leckenby, Lodge, Madnick, McGill and Widdis.

If you're missing from the above list and did submit a def, my apologies. This was all a lot easier to track when Cory was fully functional. Go ahead and resubmit and I'll get it into the mix.

The word, in case you missed the initial posting, is WIFTY. You still have 40 hours to submit your fake definitions for this word, (which you should of course send me by _email_). The deadline for definitions is

Wednesday, May 20, 2020 6:00 AM EDT.


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